The 10 most affordable countries

Who doesn't like beer? Beer for men is like free sim cards or bargain items for women - we just can't get enough of it. It may need time before a man learns how to love it, but once you do it's hard to keep your hands away from a bottle. With this in mind, we give you the 10 most affordable countries to drink a beer. You are on the right track to a great holiday or short break, just book your ticket and get on your way...

  1. Tadjikistan £0.30
  2. Bhutan £0.36
  3. Burundi £0.37
  4. Korea N £0.38
  5. Madagascar £0.38
  6. Myanmar £0.38
  7. Rwanda £0.39
  8. Ethiopia £0.43
  9. Congo DR £0.44
  10. Panama £0.45

Country review

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01-Jan-1970. Review posted for ?, Tadjikistan
cor..who\'d want go there for a beer?
Prices of beer in Tadjikistan | add a review
01-Sep-2012. Review posted for Delhi, Bhutan
These people in my opinion has the worst affiliate comment spammers. Case in point my post is their annual Black Friday special. Where I plead with them to email their affiliates and let them know that spam is not acceptable. Here is the reply I got from them: “Hello, Thank you for your email. Please note that these comments and spam are not from our staff members, these are from affiliates of ours. Please know that we do not condone spam in any sense and we will gladly do our best to track down the affiliates that are spamming and remove them from the affiliate program, as it is clearly against our terms of service that they have agreed to. Please simply notify us and allow us time to look into the matters and we will do our best to control the problem. Please do also note that we do have a policy regarding disclosure and the FTC guidelines within the TOS, and this was emailed directly to all affiliates as well, letting them know of the requirements and changes in the TOS. We will also be letting affiliates know in advance when communicating the Black Friday emails that spam is grounds for termination within the affiliate program with the loss of commissions previously pending/sent being a possibility should they spam. Thanks again for your email. I hope this helps clear up your concerns that we are definitely against spam and we will certainly do what we can to help combat it. It can be difficult when we have well over 150,000 affiliates to control and keep up with their actions – but we certainly do try to have the best and cleanest program around! Thanks again. We wish you the best this Holiday season. Please feel free to let us know if you have any further questions.” I will say this about them they are good about sending out a first response. However they seem to lose interest after any first replies. I realize of course that is not creating the spam. But they directly benefit from it. As any sale generated by their affiliates comment spamming is a benefit. My interest was that they would email their affiliates letting them know their policy on spamming. We are less than 3 months away from this year’s Black Friday, and the comment spam has been from my own experience worse than it has ever been. In fact combined with all hosting spam I have received this year, it is dwarfed by what I get from these affiliates. Just one person was responsible for most of the spam. So what triggered this post? The above mentioned post got a comment from one of affiliates and they wanted to post a coupon which of course means they get paid a commission. Had they read the post they would have realized the irony of comment spamming that particular post. Those two shots and the ones below are all from my first video all of which were people attempting to post coupon codes for that would lead to them getting paid a nice commission. Affiliates that spam comment only targeted my video because it was in relation to webhosting? I might have been their main target because my main topic is hosting, however a personal Youtube account of mine that has nothing to do with hosting and mostly videos of World of Warcraft has been target by affilates.
Prices of beer in Bhutan | add a review
04-Jan-2014. Review posted for pyongyang, Korea N
Taedonggang is extremely cheap and better (thanks to the former Ushers UK brewery) than the very expensive imported stuff like Heineken.
Prices of beer in Korea N | add a review
28-Nov-2012. Review posted for Yangon, Myanmar
I agree with Jonny that the Myanmar Lager is well drinkable, both from the bottle and from tap. Prices though... are rocketing, with 1500 Ks (1.75 $) in the supermarket and mostly 2000 Ks (2.40 $) in bars and kiosks. Dagon is the low key beer, and with 1000 Ks/1.20$ supermarket price considerably cheaper. It's though still waiting in the fridge to be tested...
Prices of beer in Myanmar | add a review
09-Jan-2013. Review posted for, Rwanda
want set of earphones which might be cozy in addition healthy headphones You certainly
Prices of beer in Rwanda | add a review
01-Jan-1970. Review posted for Adis Ababa, Ethiopia
That\'s it, I\'m off to ethiopia. 2p a pint.
Prices of beer in Ethiopia | add a review
27-Jan-2015. Review posted for Panama city, Panama
Prices of beer in Panama | add a review