Nairobi, Kenya

Lager in Nairobi is £1.01 GBP

Average using prices from 11 user(s).

Popular brands

Tusker,tusker export,White Cap Lager

About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Unknown £0.79 GBP
Unknown £0.8 GBP
Tusker Export £1.33 GBP
Tusker Lager £1.22 GBP
White Cap Lager £1.22 GBP
Tusker £0.76 GBP
Tusker £0.85 GBP
Tusker £0.4 GBP
Tuskers £3.43 GBP
Tusker £1.01 GBP
Tuskegee £5 GBP


Added on 17-Nov-2015
It is a malt beer that is made by the east African breweries.

Added on 23-Jul-2015
In a all you can eat meat restaurant

Added on 01-Jan-1970
too many nice bars depending on the week. favorite is SOHOS and Pavement in Westlands. if clubbing try Florida 2000 and F1 (above a total petrol station.) you will definately like it. watchout for the female entrepreneurs who have deleted the word No/Go away from their vocabulary!! pretty good fun tho

Added on 01-Jan-1970
At the retail shops for 500ml beers.Both local and international brews.Tc

Added on 01-Jan-1970
The bars are many.The beers to take are pilsner and the world famous tusker.In very good bars the prices are all the same at $1.4 USD