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On one of the gates Apatinska brewery is located, and the old bell, exhibit clearly at odds with the sophisticated modern technology. Once upon a time this bell to advertise daily for five minutes before starting work and at exactly 14 o'clock, when, at that time, the day ended. One could say that this detail and illustrates the way from the start approached the job in Apatinska firm in 2006. year celebrated 250 years of existence. The beginnings of brewing in a small town on the Danube bank are linked to the settlers from the territory of present Austria and Germany to the Austro-Hungarian Empress Maria Theresa 1748th year there began to inhabit. The first recordings of Vienna on the production of 12 thousand hectoliters of beer in Apatin originating from 1756. year. So many beers are now produced only in one day, and annual capacity Apatinska brewery is at the level of 4.5 million hectoliters.

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