Hyderabad, India

Lager in Hyderabad is €1.15 EUR

Average using prices from 7 user(s).

Popular brands

Kingfisher Lager,Kingfisher/Royal Challenge/Budweiser/Tig,Cannon 10000

About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Kingfisher/Royal Challenge/Budweiser/Tig €1.15 EUR
Haywards 5000 €2.89 EUR
Cannon 10000 €1.16 EUR
Unknown €0.81 EUR
Unknown €1.35 EUR
Kingfisher Lager €0.78 EUR
Kingfisher Lager €0.78 EUR


Added on 10-Aug-2015
Kingfisher Lager is the most popular beer in India. Light bodied with plenty of fizz, its quality however varies from place to place within the country. Hyderabad is a major city in central India.

Added on 10-Aug-2015
Kingfisher Lager is the most popular beer in India. Light bodied with plenty of fizz, its quality however varies from place to place within the country. Hyderabad is a major city in central India.

Added on 27-Dec-2013
Brand: Foster, king fisher, Hayward 5000