Copenhagen, Denmark

Lager in Copenhagen is £5.08 GBP

Average using prices from 35 user(s).

Popular brands


About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Unknown £1 GBP
Tuborg Draught Beer £3 GBP
Heineken £3.94 GBP
Tuborg £4.49 GBP
Tuborg £4.49 GBP
Unknown £4.9 GBP
Tuborg £4.49 GBP
Tuborg £5.93 GBP
Unknown £5.68 GBP
Rubbish Local £5 GBP
Carlsberg £5.53 GBP
Carlsberg £5.5 GBP
Unknown £5.08 GBP
Carlsberg £5.08 GBP
Carlsberg £4.24 GBP
Unknown £5.08 GBP
Unknown £7.63 GBP
Abbott Ale £5.08 GBP
Tuborg,carlsberg ,tuborg Classic £6 GBP
Carlsberg £5.86 GBP
Unknown £3.39 GBP
Carlsberg Special £6.63 GBP
Tuborg £3.39 GBP
Tuborg £6.18 GBP
Good Micro Breweries £7.3 GBP
Unknown £3.5 GBP
Tuborg £3.5 GBP
Carlsberg £3.5 GBP
Tuborg £0.67 GBP
Carlsberg £5.22 GBP
Carlsberg £5.5 GBP
Carlsberg £6.96 GBP
Grimberger £7.05 GBP
Carlsberg £5 GBP
Carlsberg £7.5 GBP


Added on 08-Nov-2014

Added on 27-Jul-2014
Lager in kanAl bodega

Added on 12-Apr-2014
Not as expensive as you might think...

Added on 01-Sep-2013
This is the place to go for proper British ales if you get fed up of fizzy lager. Pricey, but worth every penny

Added on 01-Aug-2013
Just go to Charlie's Bar in Pilestræde or the Red Lion in Nikolajgade - and get some real ales rather than lager

Added on 01-Jan-1970
Beer in Copenhagen like most cities in the world is up there. Around $7.00 CDN a pint and closer to $5.00 a pint out of the city.

Added on 01-Jan-1970
Beer in Denmark is definitely not 2.87 GBP a pint. If you drink in Nyhavn like most tourists it is 50 dkk which is about 4.50 GBP.

Added on 01-Jan-1970
0.4l is between 40Kr and 50kr depending where you buy it.

Added on 01-Jan-1970
Great City. Very Spacious. Tad expensive when it comes to beer

Added on 01-Jan-1970
In city centre all pints seemed to be between £4 & £5