Brussels, Belgium
Lager in Brussels is £2.37 GBP
Average using prices from 23 user(s).
Popular brands
Jupiler,orval,any About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.
Brand | Price |
Orval | £2.54 GBP |
Stella | £0.85 GBP |
Unknown | £0.85 GBP |
Unknown | £0.85 GBP |
Any | £1.57 GBP |
Unknown | £3.94 GBP |
Unknown | £4 GBP |
Unknown | £1.19 GBP |
Maes Pils | £0.85 GBP |
Jupiler | £4.24 GBP |
Unknown | £1.69 GBP |
Unknown | £5 GBP |
Unknown | £2.54 GBP |
Unknown | £2.37 GBP |
Jupiler | £1.44 GBP |
Jupiler | £1.06 GBP |
Unknown | £1.69 GBP |
Stella Artois (AB Inbev) | £2.54 GBP |
Jupiler | £1.53 GBP |
Unknown | £6 GBP |
Grimbergen Blond | £2.54 GBP |
Maes | £3.39 GBP |
Unknown | £4 GBP |
Best beer in the world. Just try and find time to get through them all! Celtica Bar (good irish pub, but they welcome Rangers fans, thankfully ;P), just around corner from Grand Place sells pints of lager all day for 2 euros until midnight, but why drink just lager in Brussels? Every cafe, bar, restaurant has a beer list to put anywhere else in the world to shame: with over 400 different beers, each cafe/bar has at least 20-30 on their menu. Go for a Lambic beer, if you can find one!