Berlin, Germany

Lager in Berlin is €2.9 EUR

Average using prices from 24 user(s).

Popular brands

Berliner,Schultheiss,Berliner Pilsner

About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Austiner, Warsteiner, €1.94 EUR
Berliner €2.36 EUR
Berliner €2.36 EUR
Beliner €5.75 EUR
Unknown €3.12 EUR
Average Bar Price €2.92 EUR
Unknown €2.73 EUR
Unknown €3.9 EUR
Berliner €2.19 EUR
Unknown €2.92 EUR
Paulander €4.09 EUR
Schultheiss €1.94 EUR
Berliner Pilsener €2.92 EUR
Becks €2.44 EUR
Schultheiss €2.73 EUR
Jever €3 EUR
Berliner €1 EUR
Local Brew €2.88 EUR
Sterni €2.5 EUR
Berliner Kindl €2 EUR
Berliner €3.9 EUR
Berlina Pilsner €5 EUR
Berliner Pilsner €3.5 EUR
Berliner Pilsner €3 EUR


Added on 05-Apr-2017
Expensive city. Craft beer costs up to €9.

Added on 02-Sep-2016
Loal prices in Lichtenberg.

Added on 05-Aug-2015
Cheapest stuff around

Added on 18-Mar-2013
I see a good and cheap beer for only 2USD in this great Fish restaurant Fischölkapseln buy it and try it!