Ostrava, Czech Republic

Lager in Ostrava is $1.18 USD

Average using prices from 4 user(s).

Popular brands

Radegast, Ostravar,Radegast,Gambrinus

About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Radegast, Ostravar $1.06 USD
Gambrinus $1 USD
Radegast $1.39 USD
Ostravar $1.3 USD


Added on 05-Jul-2014
Former centre of heavy industry and coal mining, now centre of commerce, education, culture and sport. Old steel mills and mines protected as Natural Cultural Monument and European Cultural Heritage, UNESCO World Heritage List candidate. Population - 300,000, with suburbs about 1,000,000. Local brewery Ostravar is part of Prazske pivovary Group (InBev), but produces fine lager fermenting in open wooden barrels. Over 20 of brewpubs and craft breweries in the city or in its vicinity, including some of the best in country - Brewpub Hobit (Qasek) in Ostrava, Pivovar Konicek in Vojkovice, Valassky pivovar in Kozlovice, Beskydsky pivovarek in Ostravice, Pivovar U Komarku in Rohov etc.