Malé, Maldives

Lager in Malé is £4.27 GBP

Average using prices from 5 user(s).

Popular brands


About these prices
The price is set by the visitors by pressing the link above. It uses the average price of all user prices, so the more users who set the price, the more accurate it should be! The average price for each city submited is also shown.

Brand Price
Brand £0.79 GBP
Heineken £2.51 GBP
Heinecken £5.49 GBP
Heineken, Warsteiner £4.88 GBP
Carlsberg £4.27 GBP


Added on 01-Jan-1970
There is no such a thing as alcohol unless you are in resorts. All my alcohol was confiscated at the airport when I landed there. I was touch to think of no alcohol. On my way out I collected my booze and took off back to Singapore and later to Europe